All you need to know about Aquanetix


You can access Aquanetix from any browser with your Username and password

Aquanetix application is available for Android devices on Google Play store. To access and use the app you need a valid Aquanetix account.

Aquanetix is a subscription service. Users have the option to pay quarterly, half yearly and yearly. The price of the service is linked to the feed quantities fed per year for grow out farms and to the number of eggs, fry or PLs produced for hatcheries.

After a comprehensive Demo, you have the option to pay for a 3 month subscription in order to evaluate the aquaculture software for your needs. Aquanetix is suitable for fish and shrimp aquaculture farms.

With good use of Aquanetix you can have your data and your reports updated continuously and you can follow your farm operations on daily basis. This can assist you in taking actions and making quick and informed decisions on your feedings, spotting problems such as under or over feeding, avoiding waste and slow growth.

Aquanetix is quick and easy to set up. For a medium size company, it is possible to set up and start using Aquanetix the day after. The Aquanetix team offers full support for the step by step set up of the software, as well as for the training of all personnel that will be using Aquanetix.